Request for a version/ revision/ release number for the whole Cygwin release/ distribution

Dave Korn
Mon Oct 4 18:47:00 GMT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-talk-owner On Behalf Of Dave Korn
> Sent: 04 October 2004 19:25

>   Anyway, my conclusion, without having googled the dude's 
> email address or
> searched the web for his college records or anything like 
> that at all, is that
> he's a recent graduate in MBA / HR / some other bogus 
> bullspeak, and he's all
> fired up with evangelistic enthusiasm, and he's found some 
> little project, and
> decided to make it his protege, and wants us all to believe 
> that "We can really
> make something happen here" and "Cygwin could really be going 
> places"....

  Heh!  Gottim!  Check how well his suggestions to
obviously went down with the Green Party......

  LOL, check out the whole thread.... just him posting back and forth to himself
in an empty newsgroup about how he's been pestering people and they've all been
declining his suggstions for some odd reason....

  I gotta say, maybe the guy is a surrealist genius.  I mean, who else would have
thought of suggesting to the Greens and the Natural Law party that they should
unite with Ross Perot's Libertarians and the ultra-right pro-segregation American
Independence Party?  

"Clearly, each Party has a unique self-identity.  However, I believe that
they all share some common values.  I propose that we identify the set
of common values, and use that as a platform for a coalition."

  LOL.  Sheer comic genius!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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