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Thu May 25 11:10:00 GMT 2006

Dave Korn wrote:
> Well, since you're not going to spam with it,
> lists pine and tin.  I haven't tried either of them myself but lots of people
> swear by them so you might like to have a go.

Thank you, Dave, for the info.  I will check out pine, since tin doesn't seem to have what I'm looking for.

AFAIC, Dave, only you and God knows what else was happening in your life when my post came across your eyes; it simply could've been the straw that broke the camel's back.  (Especially since Gary tells me that you loathe Pokemon.  :)

That being said, I just have to add:  Wow - that's one helluva welcome for a newbie!  I hope your hazing ritual isn't too much harsher.  :)  I can only say (and, if I may be so bold as to offer a suggested addition to the OLOCA): IAG.  (It's All Good.)

<>< Bruce

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