Compiling XV

Socheat Sou
Thu Oct 25 22:03:00 GMT 2001

Has anyone been able to compile xv for cygwin?  I've futzed around with
the Makefiles a bit, but I must admit I'm not really sure if what I was
doing was right.  I edited the Makefile in the root install directory, and
changed a few lines:

'CC = gcc -ansi -traditional'
'CCOPTS = -O -I/usr/X11R6/include/ -L/usr/X11R6/lib/

I then commented out the entire section in the Makefile on TIFFs.  I tried
running make and it gave me some line about can't find 'linux/limits.h' in
the xv.h file.  I tried looking for limits.h, and I found it in
/usr/include.  Wasn't sure where to put it, so I put a copy in both
/usr/X11R6/include and /usr/X11R6/lib.  Running make didn't fix my
limits.h problem.

I started over again, making all the changes above, I also commented the
section out in the xv.h file that refered to linux/limits.h (not sure if
that was a legitimate fix, but it seemed to help):

#  ifndef _LINUX_LIMITS_H
#    include <linux/limits.h>
#  endif

Rerunning make again brings me to this new problem, which I have no idea
what to do:

Warning: resolving _sys_errlist by linking to __imp__sys_errlist
fu000001.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `templib_a_iname'
fu000002.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `templib_a_iname'
fu000003.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `templib_a_iname'
fu000004.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `templib_a_iname'
fu000005.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `templib_a_iname'
fu000006.o(.idata$3+0xc): more undefined references to `templib_a_iname'
nmth000000.o(.idata$4+0x0): undefined reference to `_nm__sys_errlist'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [xv]
Error 1

Does anyone have any advice on how to compile xv?  or better yet, where I
can get a binary for it?  Thanks,


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