query regarding use of Xwin -multiwindow

John Vincent jpv50@hotmail.com
Mon Jun 2 18:59:00 GMT 2003


I've just discovered the -multiwindow option of the cygwin x-server and I 
think it's great, as I can now run an xterm on a linux box and display it on 
my windows xp machine. One problem, though, I don't seem able to 
cut-and-paste btween the xterm window and a ms-windows application. It's as 
if the x-server has it's own cut-and-paste buffer which the xterm windows 
share, but which is distinct from the cut-and-paste buffers used by the 
ms-windows applications.

Can anyone throw any light on this?

I've done a recent complete binary install of cygwin,  uname -a gives
"CYGWIN_NT-5.1 JPV 1.3.22(0.78/3/2) 2003-03-18 09:20 i686 unknown unknown 

I expect I just need to configure something, but I'm at a loss as to where 
to start with this. Any help would be appreciated.

/John Vincent.

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