
lloyd.wood@yahoo.co.uk lloyd.wood@yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 29 10:28:00 GMT 2015

Today I built geomview-related things on two separate machines running 64-bit cygwin.
They exhibit different behaviours around fonts. On one, I had
to install a bunch of different TeX stuff (texlive-collection-
fontsrecommended, -basic, -latex) to get geomview documentation
to build. On the other I didn't - but that might be due to
having texinfo-tex preferred over the tex package...

Now, I'm getting errors launching a Tcl app I've compiled:

assertion "font != NULL" failed: file 
line 453, function: FcFontRenderPrepare 
Aborted (core dumped)

but only on one of the two 64-bit cygwins.

I see in the mailing list archives this has cropped up
before for some git viewer, install gitk, problem goes away
due to random font dependency. Tried that, it doesn't for me.
What is the random font dependency for tcltk? Why is tcltk
doing this now, when it never has before? I mean, users
compile, they don't think about fonts, things just work...

(And what has changed in 64-bit cygwin for application
to application piping that breaks things that work
on 32-bit cygwin and on any linux/bsd you care to name?)

much puzzled

Lloyd Wood

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