Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Mon Feb 26 22:20:00 GMT 2018

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* libfm-qt3-0.12.0-1
* libfm-qt-common-0.12.0-1
* libfm-qt-devel-0.12.0-1
* liblxqt0-0.12.0-1
* liblxqt-devel-0.12.0-1
* liblxqt-globalkeys0-0.12.0-1
* liblxqt-globalkeys-devel-0.12.0-1
* libQt5Xdg3-3.1.0-1
* libQt5Xdg-devel-3.1.0-1
* libQt5XdgIconLoader3-3.1.0-1
* libQt5XdgIconLoader-devel-3.1.0-1
* libqtermwidget5_0-0.8.0-1
* libqtermwidget5-devel-0.8.0-1
* lximage-qt-0.6.0-1
* lxqt-about-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-build-tools-0.4.0-1
* lxqt-config-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-globalkeys-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-l10n-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-notificationd-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-openssh-askpass-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-panel-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-qtplugin-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-runner-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-session-0.12.0-1
* lxqt-themes-0.12.0-1
* obconf-qt-0.12.0-1
* pcmanfm-qt-0.12.0-1
* qterminal-0.8.0-1

LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment.  Historically, LXQt is the
product of the merge between LXDE-Qt, an initial Qt flavour of LXDE, and
Razor-qt, a project aiming to develop a Qt based desktop environment
with similar objectives as the current LXQt.

This is an update to the latest upstream release, with numerous changes:



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